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Video Integration

Support for high-quality video import to play within the game itself, to allow better integration for rides (similar to The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman / Transformers: The Ride / Forbidden Journey) and remove the need for greenscreening.

AdamY , 23.06.2013, 05:45
Idea status: under consideration


redrum, 23.11.2013, 23:32
This would be fun. If the video could be mapped to any surface and triggered to play at key points in the ride, that would be very nice. Sound effects too would then be covered. Imagine making a video of crazy swirling colors and mapping that to the wall of a tunnerl - stretched or tiled video on the walls and ceiling. It would then really make for a very cool sequence in the ride.

I remember the great rides at Disneyland I saw many years ago, many used projection mapping of some sort to create atmosphere and effects on rides. This would be my number one requested feature. Huge potential.

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