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Walk-Through Attractions, Pre-Shows, Themed Queues and Pre-Ride Experiences

A pre-ride experience is sometimes as equally important as the ride itself. In fact, sometimes the queue can be the entire experience, as is in a walk-through attraction. This suggestion involves the following elements:

The ability to add timed rooms in which we are able to add effects, actors, video, audio, props etc. You would be able to add as many rooms as necessary and link them however you want. These could be pre-shows, part of the ride experience, or even a way to link multiple rides together as one giant experience.

Add themed elements into the queue or walk-through attraction, like actors, scenery, moving walls, lowering ceilings, video screens with personalized video and audio, and more. These could even be interactive with the guests and respond to movement and guest names.

Add effects into the queue or walk-through attraction that can be activated by guests.

Walk-through attractions are staples in older amusement parks, it allows creation of Fun houses, or haunted houses where riders get scared by scenery, actors, including scenes of horror, claustophophic space, and dark corridors.

BillZanetti, 20.06.2013, 15:29

Preshows, queues and pre-ride experience!

If it's a Dark Ride, then all the pre-ride experience is equally important. My suggestion involves the following elements:
-Ability to add preshow rooms in which we are able to add effects, actors, video, audio, props etc. Be able to add as many preshows as you want and link them however you want.
-Split the queue into more queues, like fastpass, single rider, train A or B, front row, back row.
-Add tv screens with personalized video and audio on the queue.
-In the entrance to the attraction, be able to add health precaution signs, ride name, restrictions and wait time! Even a greeter would be a nice touch ;)
- Make the queue as thin or thick as you want like the path system showed in the last video released. I would like to see queues like spaghetti around a small area to optimize space and add decorations and props around.

Anton, 24.06.2013, 01:38


Siempre me han fascinado los trenes fantasma y una característica importante de ellos son sus fachadas. Me gustaría que incluyeran dibujos que recrearan escenas terroríficas, así como elementos animados en las mismas. Todo ello envuelto en una atmósfera de luces y sonidos estremecedora que llame la atención de los visitantes y que consiga asustarles. Por último que fuera todo esto personalizable.

I've always been fascinated by ghost trains and an important feature of them are its facades. I'd like to that include drawings that recreate terrifying scenes, as well as animated elements in them. All it wrapped up in a shocking atmosphere of lights and sounds that call the attention of the guests and which get to scare them. By last it was customizable.

Sorry for my bad english. I'm spanish.

Eletigna, 23.06.2013, 06:54

Walkthrough dark attractions


Plokoon111, 22.06.2013, 14:54
Idea status: under consideration


Parkman, 31.08.2013, 18:54
Would this also work to create walk through museums and mazes, or even scary walk-throughs similar to the mazes at Cedar Fair's Halloween Haunt events?
Trom, 16.11.2013, 13:42
i think the live actors is a good idea, because i want to recreate a theme park (Altontowers) and in Thi13teen there are live actor in the woods, that will add nicely to my recreation
tyler warren, 09.03.2014, 17:15
i really think this game needs this like i wanted to make knotts scary farm in rct3 but i cant cus i did not have the stuff to make it so yea please add this

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